Paul Lemley On Launching and Successfully Managing 50 Niche Sites (Reupload)

This is a reupload of the original episode! Be sure to show this episode some love regardless.

On this week’s episode of the Niche Website Builders podcast, James De Lacey dives straight into the discussion with Paul Lemley. Paul is a niche website builder and affiliate marketer, who is launching 10 websites every quarter until he expands his portfolio to include 50 new sites, on top of the 12-16 sites he already owns and manages.

Paul opens up about his processes, particularly talking about hiring writers and editors, in addition to the 12 editors and 50 writers already on his staff.

Paul and James talk about approach differences when writing for a portfolio of a few sites vs a portfolio of 50, before moving on to talk about some of the various different experiments he’s running on these sites.

Finally, Paul tells James about where he’s heading, and his plans for his niche websites in the future.

If you’re interested in managing a large number of niche websites simultaneously, then this is the episode for you.

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