How To Make Your Niche Website Penguin Proof

For starters… let me begin with saying that I got hit by Penguin 2.1. The above image is an example of Penguin 2.1 affecting one of my niche websites.  I…

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Welcome To The Brand New Niche Site U

Hi all, You may notice another test I am running… I have changed my domain to Niche Site U dot com!!  Under the old website, I wasn’t getting any organic…

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RANT!!! Why Niche Website Marketing Gets A Bad Name

I usually don’t like to rant like this… but while doing research for a future post for this site, I was looking through Flippa at “Adsense monetized” sites, which are…

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How To Build Your Niche Site Into An Authority Site

Today I want to talk about converting your niche site into an authority site… and what the basic requirements are.  Many of us build small niche sites to see if…

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Genesis Framework Test & Review

Hi all, As you can probably tell, I have a new theme up… I am testing out the Genesis Framework.  Currently working with the Copyblogger theme… which is a free…

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MMWNS Episode #12: Interview With Nick Quick – Dating Niche Sites and Monetizing Email Lists

Listen in iTunes The Niche Site U Podcast Please note, this may not be appropriate to listen to with children.  There are some mature topics and language discussed and used…

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Sell More Of Your Products Using Affiliate Marketing

How to Choose an Affiliate Marketing Program (Network)  Whether you want to start off small or get your product seen on the mega-affiliates, there is a wide range of programs…

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What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Many to most of you already know what affiliate marketing is, and use affiliate campaigns to monetize your website.  This post is for the members of the community who still…

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MMWNS Episode #11: 7 Essential Questions For Niche Product Creation & 14 Business Lessons

Listen in iTunes The Niche Site U Podcast In today’s episode, we discuss 7 Essential Questions For Niche Product Creation & 14 Business Lessons. Transcript may have some issues below… but…

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Niche Sites Community Update

I have been out on vacation recently, so I wanted to provide a niche sites community update.  Some of you know that I am a family man first… and businessman…

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