How to SCALE NICHE SITES #5 – Niche Site Project Case Study with Rob Atkinson

Today, Rob and I talk about how things are going after implementing the plans.

It is pretty amazing to see planning turn into action.

Before Rob started coaching he was admittedly overwhelmed at times.

Now, he has control on what happens – he did before, too, but it sure didn’t feel like it.

Check out the first 4 if you haven’t seen them…

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#2) M
#3) s
#4) 0

We talk about the details of hiring and a couple lessons learned also. If you can’t watch the video right now, there are a few notes after the video.

Here are the notes from Rob:

— The screening questions were good because a lot of people don’t follow directions. You can cut the number of bad applicants fast.
— There is a $20 minimum for a gig on Elance so Rob had to adapt to that. It wasn’t a big deal.
— Three candidates were in the running and one dropped out almost right away.
— All the templates for this part of the workflow were used. Some of them needed to be tweaked and that could have only been discovered in use.
— Continuous improvement should always be in the back of your mind. It is a feedback loop…You just need to take a little time to make those improvements.
— Price range Rob expects to pay for content
— Basic amazon review / simple articles = $.01 – $.02 / word
— Research intensive / big article (“best” 2500 words) = $.03 – $.035 / word

— Key takeaway – going with new freelancers can be a huge money saver for a minor risk.
— Rob is mentioning that he gives good reviews and pays the writers for the trial job. I have used this strategy, too, and it works really well. — Everyone wins.

See also  Pictory Affiliate Program Review Part 2 | Updated Income Report and More Ways to Promote Pictory

*Full niche site
*20-25 articles
*30,000 words of content
*Going to use Amazon templates for each type of article
*Split up niche site to multiple writers for quicker results


Follow Rob and Taiss (his wife) on their blog:

And on Instagram:

16+ examples of Amazon Affiliate niche websites (with 15,000 keywords):

DOUG CUNNINGTON, PMP writes about SEO, productivity, project management, and niche sites. His work has been featured all over the web, including Ahrefs, Empire Flippers, Niche Pursuits, Side Hustle Nation and more.

I am an internet marketer and a Project Management Professional (PMP, certified in 2008 by the Project Management Institute).

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