How to Launch & Manage a Successful Blog in 2017 [Free Planner]


There’s no denying it: Blogging for your business works. According to our 2016 State of Inbound report, B2B marketers who blog receive 67% more leads than those who don’t, and marketers who have prioritized blogging are 13X more likely to enjoy positive ROI.

Blogging is a crucial part of inbound marketing because it allows you to quickly disseminate helpful information to your followers and new site visitors, which, in turn, helps build credibility, SEO juice, and helps you become more of a thought leader in your industry. Best of all, blogging is super cost-effective, because the only thing you need to spend is time.

But despite all of the advantages that focused blogging can net businesses, some marketers balk at the time commitment required. They’re not wrong — launching and maintaining a blog isn’t a one-day task. In fact, you’ll need plenty of planning, resources, and good old-fashioned effort to gain adequate ROI.

That’s why HubSpot and General Assembly have teamed up to create the new 10-week planner, How to Start a Successful Blog in 2017. It’s got tips on:

How to identify your target persona and anticipate what they want to read about
Building a bank of evergreen content ideas to keep your audience engaged year-round
How to design your blog to delight and engage your visitors
Using SEO and promotion to attract and scale traffic
Which metrics to analyze to measure the success of your launch
And more!

Click here to download How to Start a Successful Blog in 2017

learn how to start a successful blog

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