How To Convince Your Boss To Fund Your First Niche Site Project

Do You Dream of Quitting Your Job?

Well of course you do!!! The only people that don’t are the ones that make more money than they can count or business owners.  Wouldn’t it be great if you could get your company to sponsor your first step towards working for yourself?

Get Money From Your Boss

The main reason most people don’t do this, is because they don’t feel they have the skills or the knowledge to talk with their bosses about marketing.  That’s just for the advertising people, right?  I assure you, it isn’t.  I worked in all kinds of advertising, and one thing I’m positive about… most people don’t know how to effectively market their own businesses, and the advertising team is usually just the “get it done” group for the bosses ideas.

Show Them The Light

One of the most effective ways to use niche sites is to do lead generation or list building techniques.  Not everyone just makes money with adsense.  So, lets say that you work for a local business and not what wikipedia considers big business.  The way how to convince your boss is to tell your boss that you have a very cheap and effective way to not only increase their SEO, but also something that will actually bring in money.  Its low cost, low commitment, and you will do all the work!

I know, your boss doesn’t have a big budget… well, he/she doesn’t need to.  Tell them all you will need is a couple domain names, web hosting, and a few hours to work from home next week to write articles.  Tell them you will set everything up, and make sure it is approved by the marketing team (or the boss) before it launches.

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From here, you literally build a niche site relevant to your business.  If you are in landscaping, then create a niche site about landscaping tips for home owners in your city.  If you are in something really unique like mold remediaton, then great… niche selection is easy.  Bottom line, you are coming to the boss with an idea to put a micro niche site up about your business, linked to your business so it will boost the businesses SEO efforts, and most importantly, it can be a lead generator for new customers.  If you really want to spice things up, tell them you are going to build microsites for the company.  Microsites are a good buzzword that Im sure they have been pitched on before but thought were too expensive.

How Does This Fund Your Niche Site Project?

It’s simple.  You just got free hosting for your own niche site(s) when you set up the company account.  Simply use one of the domain names that you purchased for your own business, or if you feel that would be shady and against corporate policies… don’t.  You can still monetize the sites with other methods.  Find a relevant, but non-competitive affiliate marketing offer and place it on all the sites.  Or, find suppliers of your business, or other local businesses that aren’t competitors and ask if they would like to provide private advertisements on the sites.

The point is, there is literally no barrier to entry into building niche sites, and just about any boss in today’s marketplace is going to be impressed by your initiative, and be happy to throw you $50-$100 bucks to build a few sites.  Just be sure to approach them with confidence.  Nobody forks over money to shaky hands.  🙂  Hopefully, they will give you some hours off work to do it with, but if not, who cares.  They are paying for your first step!

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Good luck!


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