Niche Site U


My name is Adam Roseland (Facebook profile – Please follow me) and I am really happy that you took the time to visit my website.  I have been working in the advertising industry for the past 10+ years, mostly in the digital space working for advertising agencies.  No, I am not a coder, and I am not a copywriter.  I am a sales guy, a hired gun, who loves to help people achieve their goals.   Beyond making money with niche sites, I am the founder of a digital marketing firm called 814 Interactive.  We are based out of Philadelphia and specialize in driving targeted traffic to small businesses efficiently and effectively, and assist local business owners to convert online prospects into offline customers.

On the personal side, I have been married to my wife Amy for just over 13 years, and have 3 beautiful children, AJ, Ayden & Adley.  We live in the suburbs of Philadelphia.  Everything I do is focused on creating automated income so I can spend more time with my family and less time working.

What is Niche Site U?

For starters, let me be very clear.  It is not my intention to waste your time telling you about secret projects that I am working on and telling you all about the vast riches that I am making that you can never verify or have to take my word for.  There are plenty of other sites out there that give you snippets of information, and primarily make their money off you clicking on their ads, buying their products, or using their affiliate promotions.  Im not about that!  I may introduce some links that would be great if you clicked on, but that is not my goal.  My goal is to provide a simple and easy to follow user guide about how to build niche sites from scratch with very little cost, and to make passive income from those sites.  Winners and losers will be shared… not just the wonderful success stories.  Also, be prepared to understand that profit comes from the 1st dollar above and beyond your expenses… so making just $2/month profit is still profit.  Not everyone making money on the web or working from home is driving around in a $100k car, or living on a beach while they work.  What many of them do however, is make a decent income and hopefully a passive one so they can spend more time with family and friends, and develop more income streams.

See also  Micro Niche Finder CRACKED

Why build niche sites, and not some other business?

The reason I like niche sites so much is because of the low cost of start up, and the ability for literally anyone in the world to be able to do it.  Now, to actually monetize these sites you need to be of a certain age to get into certain affiliate programs, adsense, amazon, etc… but many of these niche sites don’t require that.  They can simply be lead generators, or even small e-commerce sites.  The other great thing about niche sites is that you can usually spot a winner pretty quickly, and also see what is a dog pretty quickly, which allows you to evaluate the data, and make strategic decisions on how to move forward.  Now what does that mean exactly?  Well, it means you can either stop building a niche site if you see no traffic or no money, or you can keep investing in it both with content, time and resources if it is going to be a winner.  And finally, the best part about niche sites is that even if you fail 10x, 1 winner can make up for all those losers very quickly.  The point of a niche site is that you don’t expect it to compete with Facebook, home depot, or some huge corporation.  The point of a niche site is to build it quick, and monetize it, and then move on and build another.  If you have success, then by all means keep building it up to become a monster site, but that is your call.

See also  Niche Site Case Study: Picking The Domain

So what is the payout like?

Most of the sites that you and I build will likely only make in the tens and in the hundreds of dollars per month. That is the reality of it.  You will not strike gold with every single site you build. What you will find is that every now and then you can build a site that catches fire and can make you thousands of dollars per month… and requires very little work!  That is what the payout is.  That is what Niche Site U is all about.  Creating success in life through passive income streams.

Finally, why stick with this site?

The reason that I want you to stick with this site is because I will be sharing not only the how to guide of how I build niche sites, but most importantly I will be sharing with you the actual sites that I am building so you can see what they look like, read the type of content I am putting up on them, and see what the monetization methods are.  I will also be sharing the traffic data and income activity of these sites, so that you can actually see how little or how much money is being made.

And yes, I expect there will be people that copy my sites, copy my plans, and try to blow me out of my own niche.  Well, go for it!!  Hopefully you will at least give me the credit deserved for teaching you how to do it… or let the bad karma come flowing your way.  Haha.

See also  Micro Niche Finder

Most importantly, I want this to be about the community.  There are many sites out there on this topic and there are some really good ones.  I hope that I will join the ranks of the good ones and that you will feel compelled to comment on my posts, and discuss your thoughts and opinions with me and the other readers.

THANK YOU for taking your time to be part of this site.  Your interest is appreciated.  A great first page to read is What Is A Niche Site.

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