Niche Site Cage Fight Income Report (Month 9)

It’s the month 9 blogging income report of the Niche Site Cage Fight. There’s been a lot of “niche site”….but not too much ” cage fight.” You’ve been asking about how the site is doing, and now here it is!

Here’s the link my entire Niche Site Cage Fight Video series: />
Here’s my personal blog: /

Just got an affiliate link for Popcorn from Alex and Carl: />(This is the theme I am using on the site)

Here’s the link to my MIGA Case Study series (site started in January of 2021): />
If your site is small and you want to try out Ezoic via ACCESS NOW, use my link! Ezoic affiliates get 3% of the earnings of the publisher they refer. I use Ezoic on three of my sites and if you follow my channel you know I only recommend that people sign up or use products that I have experience using: />
Here’s the link to my Amazon Resources Page with the products that I currently use in my business (changes all the time): r


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