niche keyword ideas – micro niche finder helps you

niche keyword ideas – micro niche finder helps you
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The Micro Niche Finder keyword tool is is a brilliant tool for SEO’s so i thought i’d do a quick post about it because many people have never heard of it. In my opinion it’s one of the best tools around for finding niche keywords with high search volume, low competition and well paying ads.

I will do a proper Micro Niche Finder review after i fully explore “all” the features, because there’s that many but for now i’m having a blast just with the regular keyword research.

However here is a screen shot of the Micro Niche Finder results page, i done a search for “Auto” and i’m just showing the top several terms to give you an idea and so the screenshot isn’t huge.

With Micro Niche Finder the left column is the related terms it came up with, next column is search count (approx how many queries it receives a month) followed by a trend graph showing keyword trend over the past 12 month. Next column is exact phrase count, which is the number of Google results for the term in quotes, then Ad cost, Commercial Intent and SOC is “Strength of Competition”.

So just a quick glance, we can see “Used Cars” gets a higher search volume then just “Cars” but the competition is only 61.9 Million compared to over 1 Billion for just cars.

The SOC or Strength of Competition over in the right hand column does a calculation of inanchor, intitle and inurl to find true competition rather than pages that just mention the word as you can see here:

See also  Micro Niche Finder 4

You can also click the various columns to sort your results in whatever order you choose which is pretty powerful stuff for example here is my list sorted by “Ad Cost” in the right column.

So from there we can skim down our list and dig out the highest paying terms, with the best search volume and low competition. For instance “Auto Quote” gets a reasonable 4,400 searches a month, has a hefty ad price and competition is reasonable. With Micro Niche Finder i can add that term to my project to make a short list, and keep digging to come up with tons of profitable terms.

But that’s not all by a long shot, clicking on the “Used Cars” keyword brings up the following options:

As you can see, we can dig further, access Google Suggest, do LSI searches, see Google Trends for the term, view Creative Commons content for our term, search Amazon, Clickbank, Google Products, hunt for Affiliates before we even make a page, view Ezine Articles for our term, see if the domain for our keyword is available, see demo Adsense ads that will show for our term, see news results.

Tell me that’s not brilliant?

With Micro Niche Finder, you can laser target your content for maximum revenue and hit keywords with little competition.

Micro Niche Finder does a ton more i have not even covered, this thing only costs $67 and is probably one of the most valuable SEO tools i have ever purchased. Anyhow that’s my short Micro Niche Finder review, i will write up more after i have finally explored all the features.

See also  Micro Niche Finder, Niche Software

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