Month 10 Blogging Income Report (Project Icarus-Aged Site Case Study)

Every time I start a new niche site, I have a new wealth of knowledge to apply to it. I’ve been working so hard over the past three years to learn and get better, which sometimes involves failed projects and wrong turns.

In each case study, I try and document my progress month on month (or even more) to make sure I can remember when I did and when. My goal is to narrow in on what works best for me, so that I can repeat the process more easily in the future. is my partner in this case study series, and if you want to get that $100 credit, here’s the link: />
Here’s my personal blog where I write about a few of my sites:

Here’s the link to the Icarus video playlist to get caught up: />
Here’s the link to the MIGA video series that is wrapping up after 12 months of videos: />
If your site is small and you want to try out Ezoic via ACCESS NOW, use my link. Ezoic affiliates get 3% of the earnings of the publisher they refer. I use Ezoic on three of my sites and if you follow my channel you know I only recommend that people sign up or use products that I have experience using: />
The Drawing Board Youtube Channel: Q

Niche Site Cage Fight Playlist (site started in July of 2021 in a competitive niche on a fresh domain): />
On my second youtube channel, I do livestreams (solo and with others) to talk about niche websites, side hustles, startups, entrepreneurship, quitting day jobs, lots of fun stuff. Come and check it out! g

See also  How to Join Pictory Affiliate Program (Tutorial)

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