Kyle Roof: EEAT For Niche Sites

EEAT is an important ranking factor for niche sites. In this interview, head of the Fatstacks coaching program Taylor Kimball interviews a former lawyer (like me) turned SEO, Kyle Roof.

Show mentions
Kyle’s Page Optimizer Pro: /
Kyle’s “Netflix™ for SEOs” (IMG): /
Kyle’s site: m
Fatstacks coaching program: /

Inside you’ll find out:
– The secret “hidden in plain sight” to beat Google
– What is the most important factor from E.E.A.T.
– Should niche sites worry about E.E.A.T.?
– Does Google hate A.I. sites? The truth

– How to know you are on the road of traffic recovery
– The main metric of a healthy site you are likely ignoring
– The missing link to getting more “Expertise & experience”
– Why you don’t need a PHD to make the most of Authority

– How to approach topical authority on a large project
– Why you should go after keywords you’ll never rank for
– How to help google index all of your articles
– Should your content be targeted or large pillar post?

– Is “Fact checked” something to add to your page?
– When is the best time to implement E.E.A.T. signals
– Why right now is the most exciting time for site owners

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