Niche Site Idea: Fitness | 300 Low KD Kws | 26k Volume

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Keyword list: />
0:00 Intro to Efficient Keyword Research
0:43 Programmatic Keyword Research Explained
1:18 Finding Patterns in Searches
2:02 Leveraging Search Patterns for Content
2:54 Content Strategy Based on Patterns
3:42 Practical Example of Programmatic Research
4:29 Identifying Low Competition Keywords
5:00 Filtering for Low Hanging Fruit
5:38 Analyzing Weak Spots in SERPs
6:11 Narrowing Down the Keyword List
6:58 Content Creation Strategy and AI Integration
9:22 Keyword Clustering for Efficiency
10:38 Utilizing AI Writing Tools
11:17 Expanding Patterns Beyond ‘Muscles Worked’
11:52 Special Tips for Advanced Keyword Research
13:33 Conclusion: The Power of Programmatic Research
14:17 Closing Remarks

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